Turning Passion into Pattern
Are you distracted from pursuing God?
Does the busyness of life steal away your quality time with your Creator?
Do you long for a greater intimacy with God yet remain unaware of where to even begin?
Are you leading your family Biblically? Would you even know if you were not?
Join us for a weekend of spiritual recalibration
February 23rd - 25th 2024 at Hunt Branch Lakes
51539 Louisiana Industries Rd. Franklinton, LA 70438 *Use Google Maps
We have enough room for 70 men. THIS EVENT WILL FILL UP QUICKLY.
REGISTER NOW, in order to secure your spot.
Register here:
5-6:30 Check-in
6:30 Welcome & Prayer
6:45 Dinner
7:30 "Spiritual Growth" Jason Hunt
8:30 Small Group Discussions
7:30 Breakfast & Devotional
9:00 Worship
9:15 "Neglecting Your Salvation" Mo Aleman
10:30 Small Group Discussions
12:00 Lunch
1:00 "Being Complete in Christ" Johnathan Hills
2:00 Small Group Discussions
3:00 Free Time
6:30 Dinner
7:30 Worship
7:45 "Who is Holy Spirit" Robert Barkerding
8:30 Small Group Discussions
7:30 Breakfast & Devotional
8:30 Worship & Bible Study
9:30 Small Group Discussion
10:30 Clean up
11:30 Depart
How much does this retreat cost?
This year's conference is 100% covered by our sponsor - Differentology Ministries. We will have the opportunity to donate later on if you feel led to!
What are the sleeping arrangments?
The retreat center is a camp-style setting with multiple bunk beds in each room.
Will there be food?
Yes! Good food is engrained in just about all gatherings here in south Louisiana and this will be no different. All meals and snacks will be covered. Please inform us of any dietary needs or major allergies.
What should I pack?
First and foremost would be your Bible. Our team will make sure there are enough pens and pads to go around. Please check the weather for appropriate needs in clothing and standard toiletries. Bedding for a twin-size mattress is recommended, and bring your own pillow!!
What if I can only come for part of the weekend?
We understand that we all have a large amount of responsibilities these days. However, the more time devoted to the weekend itself the more you will get in return. If you need to leave early or arrive late we can certainly accommodate. Please let us know in your registration so we have an accurate count for meals and activities.
How can I help?
This retreat is underwritten by Differentology Ministries. Please let us know if you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to the ministry in order help out with events like this.